レーシックを超えた次世代近視矯正手術 ICL
  • 安心・安全
  • QOLが変わる
  • 手術は短時間


目の中にレンズをいれるなんて、怖い・・・痛い・・・と思っていませんか?ICL(Implantable Collamer Lens)は、眼の中に小さなレンズを入れることで視力を矯正する治療です。手術は現在国内で非常に多く行われている白内障手術と同じく、目薬タイプの麻酔で行い、所要時間は約10分ほどです。

国内ではレーシックと同等の歴史があり、どちらも当センター長の清水が国内初の執刀をしました。清水は現在世界75ヶ国以上で使用されているレンズ「ICL KS-AquaPORT®」の開発者であり、世界的にも有数の執刀経験があります。


近視矯正治療(ICL)でQOL(Quality of Life)が変わる





※ 感じ方には個人差があります。




  • 両目レンズ
  • 片目レンズ






私たちが担当します 医師紹介


清水公也 写真
清水 公也
(シミズ キミヤ)
国際医療福祉大学 臨床医学研究センター教授
ICL Senior Expert Instructor


東京大学大学院で博士号を取得、武蔵野赤十字病院眼科部長を経て北里大学医学部眼科主任教授となり、2016年4月より現職。世界初となる点眼麻酔による眼科手術、乱視矯正眼内レンズの開発など現代の白内障手術の礎を構築したパイオニアであるとともに、国内では真っ先にレーシックやICLなどの屈折矯正手術を導入。現在のHole ICL(ICL KS-AquaPORT)の開発者であり、国内では2人しかいない(2020年5月現在)ICL Senior Expert Instructorの資格をもつ。屈折矯正手術、白内障手術の世界的権威であり、その両者を取り入れた眼科手術は多くの患者のQOLを上げることで海外でも高く評価されている。

常廣 俊太郎 写真
常廣 俊太郎
(ツネヒロ シュンタロウ)
国際医療福祉大学 臨床医学研究センター講師
ICL Expert Instructor



髙橋 正英 写真
髙橋 正英
(タカハシ マサヒデ)
国際医療福祉大学 臨床医学研究センター講師


北里大学眼科学教室では、白内障、屈折矯正手術、角膜移植の手術・診療・研究を学んできた。当院では、患者様に満足のいくQOV(Quality of Vision)の提供を目標としながら、わかりやすく丁寧な説明、新しい知識と確実な技術に基づいた治療を日々心がけている。



  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Kitazawa Y, Kojima T, Nakamura T, Ichikawa K, Fujimoto K on behalf of the Japan ICL Study Group:A Multicenter Study on Clinical Outcomes of Simultaneous Implantable Collamer Lens Removal and Phacoemulsification with Intraocular Lens Implantation in Eyes Developing Cataract. Ophthalmol Ther. 2024; 2024 Dec 18. Online ahead of print.
  • Shimizu K, Tsunehiro S, Takahashi M, Ito M: A pilot study of visual performance in hybrid monovision technique using an extended depth-of-focus implantable collamer lens (EDOF ICL) in phakic elderly patients. Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology. 2022; 6(5), 577-583.
  • Igarashi A, Kamiya K, Ichikawa K, Kitazawa Y, Kojima T, Nakamura T & Shimizu K: Multicenter clinical outcomes of hole implantable collamer lens implantation in middle-aged patients. Sci Rep. 2022; 12, 4236.
  • Kojima T, Kitazawa Y, Nakamura T, Kamiya K, Ichikawa K, Igarashi A, Shimizu K: Multicenter survey on implantable collamer lens dislocation. 2022; PLoS One. 17 2, e0264015.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Kitazawa Y, Kojima T, Nakamura T, Ichikawa K, Fukuoka S, Fujimoto K, Japan ICL Study Group: A Nationwide Multicenter Study on 1-Year Outcomes of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation for Low Myopia. Front Med (Lausanne) . 2022; 9, 762153.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Kitazawa Y, Kojima T, Nakamura T, Ichikawa K, Fukuoka S, Fujimoto K, Japan ICL Study Group: Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation after Laser in situ Keratomileusis. Eye Vis (Lond). 2022; 9(1), 15.
  • Shimizu K, Tsunehiro S, Takahashi M, Ito M: A pilot study of visual performance in hybrid monovision technique using an extended depth-of-focus implantable collamer lens (EDOF ICL) in phakic elderly patients. Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology.2022; 6(5), 577-583.
  • Igarashi A, Shimizu K, Kato S: Assessment of the Vault After Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation Using the KS Formula. J Refract Surg. 2021; 37(9), 636-641.
  • Ito M, Saito A, Ikeda T, Shimizu K: Evaluation of Eye Alignment before and after Cataract Surgery. J Binocul Vis Ocul Motil . 2021; 71(3), 90-96.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Takahashi M, Ando W, Hayakawa H and Shoji N: Eight-Year Outcomes of Implantation of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens with a Central Port for Moderate to High Ametropia. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021; 8, 799078.
  • Kato S, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Assessment of low-vault cases with an implantable collamer lens. PLoS One, 15(11): e0241814, 2020
  • Satou T, Shimizu K, Tsunehiro S, Igarashi A, Kato S, Koshimizu M, Niida T:Posterior chamber phakic IOLs vs. LASIK: benefits and complications. Development of a new intraocular lens power calculation method based on lens position estimated with optical coherence tomography. Scientific Reports, 10(1): Article number: 6501 (2020) , 2020.
  • Kato S, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Kawamorita T: Kinetic visual acuity, stereopsis, and ocular deviation with an implantable collamer lens. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019; 45(12), 1777-1781.
  • Igarashi A, Shimizu K, Kato S, Kamiya K: Predictability of the vault after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation using anterior segment optical coherence tomography. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019; 45(8): 1099-1104.
  • Kato S, Shimizu K, Igarashi A:Vault Changes Caused by Light-Induced Pupil Constriction and Accommodation in Eyes With an Implantable Collamer Lens. Cornea. 2019; 38(2):217-220.
  • Igarashi A:Posterior chamber phakic IOLs vs. LASIK: benefits and complications. Expert Review of Ophthalmology. 2019; 14(1):43-52.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Kitazawa Y, Kojima T, Nakamura T, Ichikawa K.:Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation in Eyes with an Anterior Chamber Depth of Less Than 3 mm: A Multicenter Study. Sci Rep. 2018; 8(1): 13322.
  • Kojima T, Kitazawa Y, Nakamura T, Takahashi M, Kamiya K, Ichikawa K, Igarashi A, and Shimizu K:Prospective Randomized Multicenter Comparison of the Clinical Outcomes of V4c and V5 Implantable Collamer Lenses: A Contralateral Eye Study. J Ophthalmol. 2018; eCollection 2018:7623829.
  • Takahashi M, Kamiya K, Shoji N, Kato S, Igarashi A, Shimizu K:Intentional Undercorrection by Implantation of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens with a Central Hole (Hole ICL) for Early Presbyopia. Biomed Res Int. 2018; eCollection 2018:6158520.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, et al. Posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation: comparative, multicentre study in 351 eyes with low-to-moderate or high myopia. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018; 102(2):177-181.
  • Totsuka K, Ishikawa H, Kamiya K, Shoji N, Shimizu K:Pupil Dynamics Induced by Light Reflex after Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation. J Ref Surg. 2017; 33(10):704-707.
  • Kamiya K, Igarashi A, Hayashi K, Negishi K, Sato M, Bissen-Miyajima H; Survey Working Group of the Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.:A Multicenter Retrospective Survey of Refractive Surgery in 78,248 Eyes. J Refract Surg. 2017; 33(9): 598-602.
  • Kawamorita T, Shimizu K, Shoji N : Theoretical study on the need for laser iridotomyin an implantable collamerlens with a hole using computational fluid dynamics.Eye (Lond). 2017;31(5):795-801.
  • Kamiya K, Takahashi M, Takahashi N, Shoji N, Shimizu K. Monovision by Implantation of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens with a Central Hole (Hole ICL) for Early Presbyopia. Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1):11302.
  • Goukon H, Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A. Comparison of corneal endothelial cell density and morphology after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation with and without a central hole. Br J Ophthalmol. 2017; 101(11):1461-1465.
  • Iijima A, Shimizu K, Yamagishi M, Kobashi H, Igarashi A, Kamiya K. Assessment of subjective intraocular forward scattering and quality of vision after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with a central hole (Hole ICL) implantation. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016; 94(8):e716-e720.
  • Shimizu K, Kamiya K, Igarashi A, Kobashi H: Long-Term Comparison of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens With and Without a Central Hole (Hole ICL and Conventional ICL) Implantation for Moderate to High Myopia and Myopic Astigmatism: Consort-Compliant Article. Medicine. 2016; 95(14):e3270.
  • Kawamorita T, Shimizu K, Shoji N: Effect of hole size on fluid dynamics of a posterior-chamber phakic intraocular lens with a central perforation by using computational fluid dynamics. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2016; 254(4): 739-44.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, et al. Effect of myopic defocus on visual acuity after phakic intraocular lens implantation and wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis. Sci Rep. 2015; 21:10456.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Ando W, Igarashi A, Iijima K, Koh A : Comparison of vault after implantation of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with and without a central hole. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015; 41(1): 67-72.
  • Kobashi H, Kamiya K, Igarashi A, et al. Long-term quality of life after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation and after wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014; 40(12):2019–2024.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, Kobashi H: Factors Influencing Long-term Regression After Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation for Moderate to High Myopia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2014; 158(1): 179-184.
  • Igarashi A, Shimizu K, Kamiya K:Eight-Year Follow-Up of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens Implantation for Moderate to High Myopia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2013; 157(3): 532-539.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Saito A, Igarashi A, Kobashi H: Comparison of Optical Quality and Intraocular Scattering after Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens with and without a Central Hole (Hole ICL and Conventional ICL) Implantation Using the Double-Pass Instrument. 2013; PLoS One. 8(6): e66846.
  • Kamiya K, Igarashi A, Shimizu K, et al. Visual performance after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation and wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis for low to moderate myopia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012; 153(6):1178–1186.
  • Shimizu K, Kamiya K, Igarashi A, et al. Early clinical outcomes of implantation of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with a central hole (Hole ICL) for moderate to high myopia. Br J Ophthalmol. 2012; 96(3):409–412.
  • Shimizu K, Kamiya K, Igarashi A, et al. Intraindividual comparison of visual performance after posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with and without a central hole implantation for moderate to high myopia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012; 154(3):486–494.
  • Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Igarashi A, et al. Clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction after visian implantable collamer lens removal and phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in eyes with induced cataract. Eye (Lond). 2010; 24(2):304–309.
  • Igarashi A, Kamiya K, Shimizu K, Komatsu M:Visual performance after implantable collamer lens implantation and wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis for high myopia. Am J Opthalmol. 2009; 148(1):164-170.





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